UCONN Home Dsi Mortgage Loans

Industry News

I wanted to understand why someone would support bundling mortgages and justify it by saying it saves me, the borrower, money at closing in the form of lower costs and rates. I decided to stick with my current loan and continue to make the additional $100 a month until rates go lower. He got visibly upset when I retracted and apologized for not being a sheep apparentlly like most of his past customers.

A representative Chapter 13 plan seeks to cure the mortgage arrears by paying all of the missed pre-petition payments through the plan while at the same time maintaining the monthly post-petition payments. Further, the proof of claim would normally contain all of the accrued interest on the unpaid balance from the date of last payment to the date the bankruptcy is filed over and above the scheduled interest component contained in the missed monthly payments, which are also set forth in the proof of claim.

The success of what they are pitching is based on assumptions that are just that assumptions. Andrew, all the ones that I know of are out of business or just retreated back to Australia.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012