UCONN Home Credit Card Industry Philippines

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I’ve seen in a friend what happens when your debt accumulates so badly that you can only afford to pay the interest. Matilda, from what I understand, new circulars or laws prohibit or strongly discourage pre-approved cards starting this month or last month, will have to look that up. As soon as she found out, she tried to call the bank and had her CC cancelled. Back when I worked there around 1981-82 (.); the central bank actually credit card industry philippines removed any ceiling to the interest rate that can be charged on loans.

On another occasion, on a trip to Europe and a family emergency in Manila, Amex Platinum staff called at 3am Rome time, basically moved heaven and earth to get us back to Manila in the shortest time possible — they arranged transfers to the airport, bought and handed us our tickets, made sure we were fine all along the way, and even took our original itinerary and cancelled all hotels and airfares with NO penalties charged. I don’t believe in credit card industry philippines paying for interest. Makes me think that they refused to grant my request since they haven’t made money off me because I’ve never gotten cash from ATMs using my cc, availed of any of their high interest loans and balance transfers or revolved any balance.

What happened to those credit cards with pics on it. He said if I availed of a cash loan, CB would reverse my annual fee charges.

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