UCONN Home Buying A House With Cash In Chapter 13

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Can you tell me what options I may have. At first, I wanted to pay off the cc debt with the mortgage payment but after a consult with the layer, it makes no sense. But every bit of it goes back out to bills, without any rent to speak of. I am behind 7 month mortgage total past due is 15,000 by March 31st.Due buying a house with cash in chapter 13 to delinquint my bank has taken a step for foreclosure.

Our concern is our house, my question is, if we file bankrupcy (if everythingelse fails) could our house be protected to give us time to recover our situation. I understand the economy sucks, and I’m not being judgmental.

The second step, and what I’d tell you if you were talking to me, is to assess your situation/goal honestly. Just as you will be buying groceries, gas and clothes using cash without getting the permission of the Court, you can buy a new car or whatever else you need to buy.

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