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In order to do that, they must follow the laws of the state, which are usually foreclosure laws. The fact that an account is charged-off does not mean the debt may not be collected later. A promissory note is an enforceable free promissory note promise to pay back a loan or debt. In most states, interest may be charged on a judgment, either at any rate spelled out in state law, or at the rate described in the contract you signed with the creditor. I would double check with an attorney to see if they will update it to foreclousre
why is the bank that refinance my mortgage still showing a judgement on credit report after chapter 13 discharge or if there is nothing else they can note since it was in bankruptcy. Our attorney advised us NOT to re-affirm either mortgage, which we didnt.
So my question is when you apply for a new mortgage is that consider BK, Forclosure or Both. No payments we make show up on the credit report. I worked on a modification with Wells Fargo.
CRA use third party companies why is the bank that refinance my mortgage still showing a judgement on credit report after chapter 13 discharge that scour court records. Consider these factors from bankrate com car loan after bankruptcy before deciding to reaffirm a car loan. When disputing an account discharged in bankruptcy, include a copy of your credit report showing the inaccurate listing, as well as a copy of the order of discharge from the bankruptcy court, to show that the same account appearing on your report as delinquent was discharged in your bankruptcy filing. So we both applied and received Cap 1 CC $750 CL, 3 months after discharge.
I then started the process of getting a much better job but attorney advised me NOT to take the new job (paying almost double the salary) until AFTER discharge, which my employer agreed. BK7 was the best thing that happened to us. I was reemployed in 6/2010 and started to become responsible again. Unpaid, they can remain on your credit reports for seven years or the governing statute of limitations, whichever is longer. WFHM put me on trial period after trial period.
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Then check with the court to make sure the matter has been dropped. This assumes you are back on solid financial footing again. We also filed bk and the mortgage why is the bank that refinance my mortgage still showing a judgement on credit report after chapter 13 discharge company didn't reaffirm. For me, it was the best move at the time, I could ill afford the payment and too many repairs needed to the house. However, because I had a modification on the primary house, they could not foreclose on it. So 18 months after BK7, I will be 700 across the board.
It's hard to know which of the two forums a question like this will get the best responses on, but I'll keep one eyeball peeled and my fingers crossed. Overall, my experience with BK7, foreclosure, losing a job, getting a much better one, playing golf everyday, going on extended vacations, all worked out. All three dates or deadlines are independent of each other and have different meanings. We continued to make our payments through the BK process. I ask because I'm trying to find out how long will need to wait before applying again since the two dates of the BK7 discharge and Foreclosure are long apart.
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You CAN get cash-for-keys both before and after the foreclosure auction, but each case is different. Its actually to your benefit that they didnt reaffirm the debt because you really can choose to walk away.however, fast forward to present, my house is STILL vacant, they have not even started the foreclosure process, the house is still in my name though the bank is paying the taxes every year. The mortgage is already recorded on our credit as being discharged with BK with no data. If I can’t pay, does it matter if they get a judgment. Then due to divorce, lost the paper work and I did the trial again. In addition, in most states it can be renewed.
He said it would like we were being sued, becasue the mortgage company would still have to file with the state to begin foreclosure. To correct this problem, you should first pull a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian), then carefully review the reports to identify which discharged accounts are being reported inaccurately. I was able to get some financing and offered $60k. I doubt that you will be caught but others on this board will have to chime in.
One of the main reasons you want to try avoid getting a judgment against you is that creditors may have additional ways to collect once a judgment has been issued. Of course that only works if you can manage to pull together money to pay them. If you have a specific question, we recommend you search our site for an answer before commenting.
Automotive garages and repair shops usually invoice sample for car repair require some special fields on their. Bank easy checking account online, you need. The only problem is that the primary house does not report positive payments.

Ask for the "cash for keys" if appropriate. Feb our credit report shows late payments from one month after we paid the it is. Because I live in a state (Michigan) that does why is the bank that refinance my mortgage still showing a judgement on credit report after chapter 13 discharge not use the Judicial process of foreclosure. This usually occurs between 180 and 240 days from the date of the last payment. We let the second house go through the process as we owed $95k and its worth $50k.
I asked my attorney if we wanted to walk away years from now if we could.His answer was yes. To learn more about credit scoring and credit reports, visit the Credit Solutions section of The short sale is only the transfer of title to a new borrower. A reader asks some great questions about judgments.
BNY Mellon also put its own interests before those of the investors it's supposed to represent, he said. Depending on your state’s laws, they may include going after your bank accounts or other property, or trying to garnish your wages. Reimbursement request form info peninsulacountrymarket ca mail form.
Oct those who dream of living year round in takeing over payments on rv monthy with bad credit now an rv might find it s easier than have. How to get a car loan with easy car loans no credit or bad credit. I can stay as long as I keep making payments.
We have worked hard to get our credit score back up to a decent number and don't want a foreclosure to reverse what we have built up again. The application process is going to be a lot easier and faster. So, primary house is up to date with no issues. I never signed a reaffirmation but i continued to live in and pay the mortgage payments for a year and half and then made a decision to vacate the house. Credit reports can be inaccurate, so it is important to review your credit profile regularly to verify all of the information reported by your creditors is correct.
The attorney can explain what property you own is “exempt,” or safe from creditors. I had a second summer home along with my primary home. Because an account is charged off does not mean the creditor lacks a legal right to collect the debt. Nothing gets recorded in the county court house.
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Given the fact that these debts were discharged in bankruptcy, there is no reason that the accounts should not be updated to reflect an accurate status. Plus, an unpaid judgment may prevent you from buying a home or getting credit at a decent interest rate. I was actually in this very situation -i filed a chpt 7 and was discharged in 9/08-the house was included. Getting a loan offers the promise get a loan of financial security and. This is our question too -- we are in California. It shouldn't be, the loan is IIB and should stay that way.
So, once you fall behind after the BK, they can start the foreclosure process to clear the title. So they sold the house why is the bank that refinance my mortgage still showing a judgement on credit report after chapter 13 discharge in a sherrifs sale. Banks, issuers, and credit card companies mentioned in the articles do not endorse or guarantee, and are not responsible for, the contents of the articles. offers free, easy-to-use tools to customize your search for Duluth rental homes. Can the bank double report and put down a foreclosure or will it come out as public record.
That is a court document that will get caught and you will be hit. The foreclosure could show up sometime in the next 7 years but I doubt it will. Get free copies of your credit reports at, a Web site sponsored by the credit bureaus in compliance with federal law allowing all consumers to obtain a no-cost copy of each bureau’s credit report once every 12 months. There is a specific time period for collecting judgments, and it varies by state.

Freddie Mac knows about the foreclosure so I will have to wait the why is the bank that refinance my mortgage still showing a judgement on credit report after chapter 13 discharge 2 years for a new mortgage, but the CRAs have not caught it yet. The charge-off date also does not correspond to the statute of limitations on collecting a debt, or the date that an entry on a credit record must be removed. Having these accounts correctly listed on your credit reports should reduce their negative impact on your credit score, helping you rebuild a credit score after a bankruptcy filing. Another option is to settle the debt before it goes to court. A debt collector that threatens to get a judgment against you or to garnish why is the bank that refinance my mortgage still showing a judgement on credit report after chapter 13 discharge your wages or seize your property may be making an illegal threat.
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One is the actual liabilty to pay the money back. In 12/10 I asked my ex-wife to come back home. Please anyone out there with an answer would be so appreciated. It should not appear as open and past due. The present value of future periodic payments is the value of these future payments after backing out, or removing, the interest that each payment earns the lender between the present time and the time of payment to the lender. If you don’t respond, or if you lose, the court will issue a judgment in favor of the creditor or collector.