UCONN Home Homeless Help Support

Industry News

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has many programs to assist the homeless and has specific information for obtaining help in your area if you are homeless. Through the program, each year (as funding is available) VA offers grants that may fund up to 65 percent of the project for the construction, acquisition or renovation of facilities or to purchase vans to provide outreach and services to homeless Veterans. This service will allow you to stay in a shared facility or apartment for up to 18 months for a small co-pay depending on your income and you will continue to receive case management services to assist you with your goal in living in your own home or apartment. There is a lot of “behind the scenes” work (filing, sorting clothes, cutting homeless help support vegetables, etc.) to be done at shelters and other direct service agencies.

For more information on Project CHALENG, call VA’s toll-free hotline or visit the Project CHALENG web page. If you are in danger of being evicted from your apartment or home, your county may be able to assist you with payments for rent, mortgage, security deposits and utilities.

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University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012