UCONN Home Filing Chapter 13 In Ny

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This link is directly to the laws pertaining to Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Home Foreclosures – Data for Foreclosure Properties Buyers. The law requires you to deal with all of your creditors and your creditors must deal with you. However, the debtor must also continue making the mortgage filing chapter 13 in ny payments that come due during the length of the plan.

If you live in New York’s Bronx, New York (Manhattan), Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, Nassau, or Suffolk (Long Island) counties, and need the advice of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, contact me today at either 516-873-6330 or by filing out the contact box to your right. Doktofsky’s practice is focused on consumer bankruptcy law and he possesses the knowledge filing chapter 13 in ny and experience necessary to guide you through a successful bankruptcy filing. These debts are generally paid last, and are often not paid in full.

However, it is important to consult with an experienced bankruptcy attorney to determine which chapter of bankruptcy is best in your particular situation. These types of debts must be paid in full unless a particular creditor agrees to different terms for the claim.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012