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I wouldn’t sell my house because even though I was approved for 5 million dollar loan, I bought a house for $170k. There is a three month back log on rental assistance in New Jersey so that won’t help me now. A bad credit rv loan can help you to fulfill we have your rv loans this dream and move forward your life. At this point I feel defeated and do not know what to do. You spend literal hours crafting resumes and cover letters to showcase talents you have
bad credit lenders that are applicable to so many jobs….then you don’t even hear an echo back. At least allow EVERYONE to receive the 99 weeks of benefits.
I have a college degree and am in my early 30” s. Jacobsen homes manufactures the best triple wide mobile homes triple wide. They need to extend unemployment, if they think it is easy to find a job today it is not.
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All of you that are higher than us like you say or think, quit your jobs and we can have them. I told her that no, but they may report you and you would be cut off unemployment. Honda com the official site for honda cars, motorcycles, personal watercraft,. Help the elderly and disabled in your immediate area so you don’t have to drive. It’s not easy telling your children that Santa didn’t have room in his sleigh this year. For those who think he isn’t trying to find a job.
I went on one interview along with about 100 other people and of coarse I did not get the job. Really don’t know what else to do. Back on September 7, 2010, I was laid off again. I am so nervous when December comes, CHRISTMAS EVE to be exact and my benefits will end. After graduating I found out that I was scammed and can not work in this field for misdemeanors that are expunged.
I, too, have applied for everything I can find. People are just ignorant and rude and that is one major problem in our world today, people have lost all pride and respect the people. A visible hand it not going to make the economy better. Im not here to blame or sham anyone but really we are all trying to survive.
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That is just like some people saying that everyone on unemployment is milking the system. Results of nerdwallet ranks of the highest cash back rewards cards based on your. To the morons that say we are lazy because we collect unemployment and cost them money. What difference does it make if it is called unemployment, it is welfare. I think 99 weeks indicates enough time to find a job – many who lost jobs before the extensions to four times, soon to be six times as long package appeared had to take positions for salaries less than what many on unemployment compensation are receiving. Because, as one company told me when I called to see if they got my resume- “we got 800 applications for that job and are sifting thru them.
On daughter has a part time job and the other one just got out high school…and she is looking…but even for a young adult…hasn’t found anything. I just want to tell all of you who are in there 50′s that have your job and sleeping soundly…F*CK ALL OF YOU… You have no idea what it is like to lose everything. I don’t buy for one second that you “can’t” get a job it’s just on plausible.
We are the ones who know what’s really going on out here. Now I am pissed at the old blind rich morons little men running the senate. Granted, I decided to go back to school and will be graduating in Dec with a nursing degree, but that doesn’t mean I do not need a job too. Apartment finder the trusted brand for finding apartments.
So 401k, gone, life insurance, cashed in, home, sold, cars, sold, electronics…need I say more. The ex left 6 months after I was laid off so I went from 2 incomes to no income. The same people who paid into bad credit lenders the system for years. I have so much experience, but for whatever reason, no one will hire me. Time to suck it up and actually LOOK for a job, instead of your pretend “check-ins” I have seen it over and over with people I know.
Sample letter of job transfer request download on gobookee org free books and. To the moron who wrote that the unemployed are lazy and want to live off benefits…Instead of wasting everyones time on here. This breaks my heart to see that I what I always tried to avoid in my life is now probably going to be our life. Thank you American government for spending all of your time giving American tax money to froiegn nations.

I am on the verge of being homeless because I chose food. You’re 72 and on SS and medicare but want unemployement beyond 99 weeks. I’m almost out of unemployment, I will loose everything if they don’t add more months of unemployment. These people NEVER contributed or paid for these things like we have. The employers on the boardwalks in New Jersey are having trouble finding people to work. If people can’t pay their mortgages then more homes go into foreclosure.
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I have worked full time since I was 15 years old, at 38 I shouldn’t have to sell my home, my car, my personal belongings, but I am. Very hard to survive on unemployment and now I have nothing. Click on the city closest to where you need a mortgage in arkansas chicot. When they did let him go, he was able to resume getting the extension. I am 48 years old and had a good job with bad credit lenders a construction general contractor. I had a huge sum of money put away in a money market account so that I would have a cushion but that’s nearly gone.
I am in no way against anyone or myself temporarily getting unemployment but there has to be a end somewhere, Don’t you think. They want us to pay half of our UE checks for medi-cal which is needed for food, gas, and other necessities. If you throw a bad wad, why do I have to pay for your irresponsible pleasure.
Funny the job description on the company’s web site never mentioned must be a college/university student Lets face it that those over 40 may never work again because the government refuses to enforce the anti discrimination. Wow, for the guy that says we are lazy and stop milking the system, who the hell are you to come on here bad credit lenders and judge us…There are NO jobs, my pride is not to big to take any job that is offered to me. I have been unemployed now for the past 3 and 1/2 years. Close the borders, do away with the TSA and Homeland Security, and PROFILE potential terrorists. Former President Bush and current President Obama asked every American to volunteer somewhere.
Do Hard Money was very helpful when I needed to talk to them. Jun hargrave operation falsely claimed it could repair anyone s credit for. I apply to every job that comes in even sightly in my area of expertise (entry level and above.) and yes I have applied to any and every type of job I could retail, stocking shelves, all the jobs you would think would love to have a hard working dependable man to work everyday.
Working with them was a great experience – they are the cream of the crop when it comes to hard money lenders for bad credit. Yes, I am disappointed in my fellow citizens. Sadly, some people I know ended their lives due to not finding a job as well. I bet you didn’t have a problem giving your money to all the banks and bailing them out. To people that have jobs telling us unemployed drawing cant get job.
I have since had my hip replaced but I am still able to attend classes. I have always worked and paid my taxes, and when I need help where is it. I am a single mother of 5 and have always worked and never been on welfare. I now work 3 jobs that still don’t add up to what I was making at 1 job before. I’ve copied a letter below that I received from one of our clients who was in a bad credit situation prior to finding Do Hard Money.
You should not have access to a computer on your own, it costs money someone else is paying. Hey Barbie, who knows, maybe you will get sick or hurt, then you can finally collect a disability check every month and milk the system like all the others. Of the thousands of resumes I have submitted, I have had 5 interviews. I have applied for sales jobs and mcdonalds, or anywhere to find something.
Sent out 124 resumes 2 responses 3 on line interviews. He has decided that as long as he can collect unemployment there’s no reason to look for a job; especially if it pays less. I have been unemployed for almost 2 years. I had to go to Western Union yesterday to send money to someone.

I would take a job or jobs that will pay for the mortgage, gasoline, insurance, food, health insurance, utilities and all the other necessities. They do that so the unemployment rate can drop in the state because people bad credit lenders have given up.They want to sweep us under the rug so they can look good. I only pray that our country will show the same compassion for its people that we have always shown the rest of the world. I have searched every day, most of the day for 18 months.
I looked for jobs for months in new york and could not find career jobs but jobs making 10 to 12 dollars an hour. He says he has heard over and over again, people like myself that never had a problem finding a job, can’t find work. I’d do that because unlike you, I have too much pride to accept a handout. I can’t believe there are so many freeloaders out there. He has become lazy and it sickens me that he sits on his butt day in and day out.
But our goverment could give a rats ass about us. I’m sorry but regardless of how hard times may be for you it’s not my job as a taxpayer to pay your bills.