Balancing OKRs with the Basics: Keeping Growth and Brand Marketing on Track

Brand Marketing ,General Management ,OKRs ,Past Experience
August 25, 2024

Its been awhile since I’ve posted folks, sorry! While on a new journey and as I look back you know, I had this realization. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the shiny, new stuff like OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), but sometimes, we might end up spending so much time on them that we forget the basics—like keeping the trains running on time, or making sure the team has what they need to grow the business and build the brand.

Why OKRs Are Good, But…

  • Focus and Direction: OKRs are like that map on a road trip except for businesses. They help you know where you’re headed and make sure everyone’s car is pointed in the right direction. Without them, you might just end up driving in circles.
  • Accountability: They make it easy to see who’s doing what. Everyone knows their part, and you can quickly spot if something’s off track.

The Flip Side—When You’re Stuck in the OKR Weeds

  • Too Much Process, Not Enough Doing: If you spend all your time planning and tracking, there’s a chance you’re not doing enough actual work. It’s like planning the perfect garden but never getting around to planting the seeds.
  • Forgetting the Basics: Core business processes—like making sure the Growth and Brand Marketing teams are firing on all cylinders—might take a backseat. You still need to keep an eye on the day-to-day, like keeping operations smooth, ensuring customer service is top-notch, and steering the marketing ship in the right direction.

Steering the Growth and Brand Marketing Teams

  • Growth Management: Growth teams need a good bit of attention to keep the momentum going. It’s not just about setting ambitious though achievable goals—it’s about making sure they’ve got the tools, resources, and support to hit those targets.
  • Brand Marketing: Brand marketing is all about storytelling and building trust. While OKRs might tell you what needs to be done, it’s the brand folks who figure out how to say it in a way that resonates. They need to be closely guided and supported to ensure that the brand’s message stays consistent and strong.

Getting the Balance Right

  • Integrate OKRs with Business Processes: OKRs should work hand-in-hand with the day-to-day management. They’re not there to replace the basics but to enhance them. When done right, they should be pushing the business forward without pulling you away from essential tasks.
  • Keep It Simple: Don’t overcomplicate things. Focus on a few key objectives that really matter, and make sure the team isn’t drowning in process. Sometimes less is more.

Wrapping Up

OKRs are a great tool, no doubt. But like any tool, they’re only useful if you use them right. It’s important to keep things in balance—make sure the business processes, like steering the Growth and Brand Marketing teams, are getting the attention they need. After all, you can have the best goals in the world, but if the basics aren’t in place, those goals won’t mean much in the end.

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